Around Kosbad, there are 7 Balwadis in different Padas / hamlets. Each Balwadi has about 40 children. Kendra Balwadi on the premises of Kosbad is the model Balwadi. The other Balwadis are in the following padas / hamlets Chimbave Naralipada Dalvipada Dongripada Khedpada Bhonarpada Each Balwadi has one trained teacher and one or two assistants depending on the number of children attending. Nutritious mid-day meal is served to all children. The teaching aids are made by the teachers and their assistants using material easily available from the surrounding area itself. Songs and rhymes about their way of life mostly are given great importance. They are often chosen form the local dialect and improvised making it easy to understand and enact. The stories are also from the local area which the children identify easily. Along with this the regular syllabus, vocabulary, easy craft, counting and general knowledge is taught to them. The Balwadis do not receive any financial aid from government and are run entirely on donations.